The Geekettez. User Research & Experience Design Studio

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Phone Berlin: 0171.12 45 07 3
Phone Mannheim: 0177.71 38 208

Interaction Design

Positive interactions make good memories.

By shaping the user experience, you define how your digital products and corporation communicate and interact with your users.

Interaction Design is the design of the behaviour of technology. Interaction Design defines the way a system communicates and interacts with users. It describes what happens when, how it happens and where it happens and how users navigate a system. We derive our principle in designing interactions from an Alan Cooper quote: “If we want users to like our software, we should design it to behave like a likeable person”.

Interaction is a part of brand communication.

The behaviour of your product reflects your company’s philosophy and core values ​​and influences how they are perceived. We will help you make these characteristics visible and tangible within the behaviour of your technology, while also ensuring the goals and needs of your users are respected. With the help of methods such as scribbles, user journeys, wireframes and prototypes, we design concepts that can serve as templates for visual design and development.

Human perception guides our designs.

Our expertise in cognitive and perceptual psychology ensures the creation of systems that are easy to use and navigate for your users.

We are happy to optimize your inventory system.

If your existing systems aren’t meeting expectations, we can help you find the problem. Various investigation methods, such as heuristic evaluations, expert reviews and usability tests, can be helpful when identifying the causes. Based on the findings, you will receive recommendations for action. When you are ready to take it one step further, our interaction design and concepts can provide solutions.

We offer flexible UX contingents for continuous, selective UX consultation whenever you need it.

Articles on Interaction Design

New website for the Deutsch-Französischer Bürgerfonds

We created the concept, the information architecture and the UI design for the relaunch. The revised website of the Deutsch-Französischer Bürgerfonds (Franco-German Citizens’ Fund) presents itself with clear user guidance, content tailored to the needs of users and an...

Bronze at the ADC 2021 for the taz App.

Our client taz, die tageszeitung made it onto the winners' podium of the Art Directors Club (ADC) with their new app! The app was awarded a bronze nail in the “Editorial – Newspaper – Redesign” category. The app now has an entirely new intuitive interaction...

From global to local: How our visual perception develops over time

“We see the forest before the trees” Navon, D. (1977) We live in a complex world, and the proper identification of objects is very important if we are to interact effectively with our environment. Early theories of object recognition often assumed that we first...

How change blindness can affect your user’s experience

In Psychology, there is a phenomenon called change blindness and it explains why your users don’t see what you think they actually should see. Our visual environment changes all the time. We must notice these changes. For example, it allows us to react to potential...

Interaction Design Case Studies

Deutsch Französischer Bürgerfonds

Interaction Design . UI Design

BKF Online-Schulungs GmbH

Interaction Design . UI Design . UX Strategy

Kreuzberger Initiative gegen Antisemitismus (KIgA)

Interaction Design . UX Strategy

Take action on your interaction!

We will help you overcome tricky UX challenges and turn frustrated users into happy customers.
We are looking forward to hearing from you!

Other services

User Research

Sustainably improve your chances of success with user-centric product development.

Get to know your users.

UX Strategy

Future-proof business models think user-centred. We will help you define and achieve your UX vision.

Start developing your strategy.

User Interface (UI) Design

Authentic, aesthetic and functional design solutions based on human perception: our designs and design systems offer optimal guidance while being scalable and sustainable.

Stand out with an authentic image.