The Geekettez. User Research & Experience Design Studio

Get in touch

Phone Berlin: 0171.12 45 07 3
Phone Mannheim: 0177.71 38 208


Our services for an optimized user experience

User Research

Sustainably improve your chances of success with user-centric product development.

Get to know your users.

UX Strategy

Future-proof business models think user-centred. We will help you define and achieve your UX vision.

Start developing your strategy.

Interaction Design

Every interaction with your target group is an opportunity and a chance for satisfied and loyal, enthusiastic users and customers.

Start building memorable experiences.

User Interface (UI) Design

Authentic, aesthetic and functional design solutions based on human perception: our designs and design systems offer optimal guidance while being scalable and sustainable.

Stand out with an authentic image.

UX Workshops & Packages

Our workshops and packages aim to address common company goals. They are tailored to different needs and company sizes and have a fixed project duration and budget.

The 4 in 4 Website Booster

For small and medium-sized Enterprises - Get more insights and actionable recommendations for an optimised website in just 4 weeks and 4 easy steps.

Learn more

Contact one of our studios



A selection of clients we have worked with

Services in action – Case Studies

Deutsch Französischer Bürgerfonds

Interaction Design . UI Design

BKF Online-Schulungs GmbH

Interaction Design . UI Design . UX Strategy

taz, die Tageszeitung

User Research

Kreuzberger Initiative gegen Antisemitismus (KIgA)

Interaction Design . UX Strategy