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Talk: The ROI of a Positive User Experience

17. February 2019 | Studio News, User Experience

Reading time: 2 minutes

Last week, we had the opportunity to give a talk on the topic “The ROI of a Positive User Experience” at the c’t conference in Cologne. We were thrilled about the invitation, as the conference primarily deals with topics related to frontend development.

n our talk, we are not only referring to return on investment (ROI), but also to the result of ignorance, when user experience is neglected. Because a negative experience costs: users’ nerves and companies’ revenue. If well-known experience problems such as the labyrinth, the alien, or the focus thief prevent users from completing their tasks, this can be costly. In case of doubt, users will go where they can achieve their goals more easily.

In the presentation, we showed three advantages of a good user experience and shed light on what we can influence in product development. We ended our talk with a small challenge for the audience and are curious if some of them will follow through with it. If you do, we look forward to your reports!

In the following slides, you can get to know an alien, learn about the advantages of a good UX, and take on our challenge. Have fun!

The c’t conference for frontend development takes place annually in Cologne. The organizer is Heise Medien GmbH & Co. KG.

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