The Geekettez. User Research & Experience Design Studio

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Phone Mannheim: 0177.71 38 208

UI design

First impressions count

An authentic, aesthetic, functional design based on human perception is the icing on the cake of a positive user experience. We don’t simply produce eye candy but scalable and sustainable design libraries.

The UI Design (or Visual Design) includes all visible elements allowing users to interact with technology. We believe great Visual Design conveys a clear message that complements and integrates well with your Corporate Design. As a haptic part of the user experience, it plays an important role in achieving your project objectives. Visual Design makes your brand emotionally experienceable. If the UI Design is additionally intelligible and respects your users’ needs, it also contributes to a positive interaction.

Stay flexible.

Our design solutions are clean, intelligent and scalable. They contain the visual information that is relevant and important for your users and supports them while they interact with your product. Our designs expand easily so new demands can be satisfied efficiently. When your company grows, our designs can keep pace.

Human perception guides our designs.

Our expertise in cognitive and perceptual psychology ensures the creation of Design Systems that are easy to use and navigate for your users.

Design systematically.

We can help you develop a modular Design System containing reusable and expandable components. Defined standards facilitate the use of these components across touchpoints. A Design System accelerates new developments, which in return can accelerate innovations. It is also a sustainable design solution for large organizations with multiple touchpoints ensuring a cohesive and consistent user experience on all company platforms.

Articles on UI Design

New website for the Deutsch-Französischer Bürgerfonds

We created the concept, the information architecture and the UI design for the relaunch. The revised website of the Deutsch-Französischer Bürgerfonds (Franco-German Citizens’ Fund) presents itself with clear user guidance, content tailored to the needs of users and an...

From global to local: How our visual perception develops over time

“We see the forest before the trees” Navon, D. (1977) We live in a complex world, and the proper identification of objects is very important if we are to interact effectively with our environment. Early theories of object recognition often assumed that we first...

How change blindness can affect your user’s experience

In Psychology, there is a phenomenon called change blindness and it explains why your users don’t see what you think they actually should see. Our visual environment changes all the time. We must notice these changes. For example, it allows us to react to potential...

Adapting creative writing methods in digital advertising

We recently worked on a project in which we were asked to create landing pages for marketing messages that would generate active users for a web service. The target group was a very diverse group of consumers. Frankly speaking, a typical advertisement gig. While...

UI Design Case Studies

Deutsch Französischer Bürgerfonds

Interaction Design . UI Design

BKF Online-Schulungs GmbH

Interaction Design . UI Design . UX Strategy

Are you ready for a new look?

We can advise you on complex UI and UX challenges and discuss how we can make you shine.

Other services

User Research

Sustainably improve your chances of success with user-centric product development.

Get to know your users.

UX Strategy

Future-proof business models think user-centred. We will help you define and achieve your UX vision.

Start developing your strategy.

Interaction Design

Every interaction with your target group is an opportunity and a chance for satisfied and loyal, enthusiastic users and customers.

Start building memorable experiences.