To all the Berlin women in the field of user experience – there is another meet-up in town!
Together with a few other ladies, Steffi co-founded the Berlin chapter of Ladies that UX, an international organization connecting women in the user experience field.
What is Ladies that UX?
Ladies that UX is a global community which started in 2013 in Manchester and now has more than 50 groups worldwide. It is a monthly meet-up that creates an informal, welcoming, transparent community of women that work in UX, who positively promote and teach each other.
Why do we need it
So, as we all know, the tech industry is very male-dominated. The UX departments are no exception. The initial motivation to start a Ladies that UX chapter in Berlin is to support women working in the field of User Experience – no matter which age or level.
Sure there are many communities here in Berlin – also a lot of UX-related ones and women-focused communities like the Geekettes – which are broader in their topics and eventually more business orientated. Or communities for women focused on programming like Rails Girls or „HackerInnen“. But we wondered: Where are all the UX women?
Working in User Experience is often about consulting, leading and bringing change in well-established (often male-dominated) structures. Sometimes it feels like you have been thrown into a shark tank. To survive, you need good confidence in your professional skills, your appearance, your presentation skills, etc.. in short: in yourself.
Sadly, women are often raised and socialized to feel less confident than their male colleagues – nevertheless, many women have developed great confidence skills. So, there may be women with strong confidence and some with less of these skills in our industry.
Our goal is to make real use of the diversity of a) our skill levels, b) experience levels and c) confidence levels to support, teach and mentor each other.
Let’s do this together
We want to build a community in Berlin, there to help and support each other, have someone to talk to and strengthen skills in a relaxed atmosphere where nobody must have inhibitions to ask so-called „stupid“ questions (which simply do not exist) – you get the idea.
Ladies that UX is about creating a community for women in the UX field to come together, chat, discuss, network, and form future working relationships and friendships.
Because we all know:
„There is a special place in hell for women who don’t help each other“
Madeleine Albright, the first woman to become the United States Secretary of State.
Talk soon!
Join the Ladies that UX Berlin Launch Party
We are looking forward to meeting you at our launch event hosted by on Nov 29.,2016
See our program and RSVP here:
(Hint: there’s pizza for those who arrive early)
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Event Graphics
Zivile Markevičiūtė, co-founder of Ladies that UX Berlin chapter