The Geekettez. User Research & Experience Design Studio

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Phone Berlin: 0171.12 45 07 3
Phone Mannheim: 0177.71 38 208

Cannes Lions 2017 – what a trip!

Cannes Lions 2017 – what a trip!

We are back from this year’s Cannes Lions and ready to share some memories, while they are still fresh! In Cannes, we were part of BWLions, the official representatives of Baden-Württemberg, the state where our Mannheim studio is based. We spent all week with...
Ladies that UX is coming to Berlin.

Ladies that UX is coming to Berlin.

To all the Berlin women in the field of user experience – there is another meet-up in town! Together with a few other ladies, Steffi co-founded the Berlin chapter of Ladies that UX, an international organization connecting women in the user experience field. What is...